If you’re looking for a new twist on Thanksgiving Stuffing, look no further!  As a child, this was the only stuffing I knew!  It wasn’t until I was a college Freshman at SUNY Oswego, that I learned of stuffing that did not have meat in it!  As a matter of fact, most stuffing is meatless, but I had no clue!

I always loved Thanksgiving as a child!  Our house always felt warm with the colors of Autumn, a roaring fire in the fireplace, and the buzz of family talking and laughing together.   We now spend our Thanksgiving at one of the finger lakes with my husband’s family, or at a cabin in the Catskills with my family.  As we approach Thanksgiving in the middle of a pandemic, I am hearing all types of advice on limiting the size of your gatherings, and holding them outside around a fire-pit with masks on and socially distant.   So perhaps this will be a different type of Holiday Season, but hopefully we can all feel the joy and peace in giving thanks with those we love whether it be around a campfire or on zoom!

So back to the stuffing!  The breakfast sausage is what really makes the flavor in this stuffing come alive, but also the blend of flavor from the sausage, the herbed bread, the mushrooms, and the onions is really delicious.  My family also loves to eat this stuffing the next day with eggs which is really amazing!

I wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving!!!

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.   Psalm 118-24

Thanksgiving Sausage and Herb Gluten Free Stuffing

A delicious meat sausage for a different twist on Thanksgiving!
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time40 minutes
0 minutes
Total Time1 hour 10 minutes
Course: Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine: American, French
Servings: 10


  • 2 lbs Ground Pork
  • 2 Packages Breakfast Sausage Roll I prefer Jones
  • 2 Pkgs White Mushrooms (total 16 ounces) Chopped
  • 2 Med Onions Chopped
  • 12 Oz Gluten-Free Herbed Stuffing Mix *or make your own
  • 1-2 Cups Chicken Broth as needed
  • 2 Tbs Olive oil
  • 2-3 Tbs Butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Chop onions and mushrooms
  • Heat skillet on medium-high, add olive oil and 2 Tbs of butter
  • Saute mushrooms until thoroughly browed and slightly "crisped-up." Remove from pan
  • In the same oil and butter (may have to add more) saute onion until softened and slightly browning on the edges. Remove from pan and combine with mushrooms
  • In the same pan, cook the ground pork and breakfast sausage breaking up the meat into small pieces and until no longer pink.
  • Add the mushrooms and onions to the cooked meat, and combine.
  • Add the herbed stuffing and combine thoroughly
  • If the stuffing seems dry add broth to desired moistness
  • Sometimes I add another lump of butter at this point if it needs to be richer, but that is completely optional
  • Bake in the oven on 350 for 40 minutes to crisp-up the top, or Stuff your Thanksgiving Turkey and Roast based on cooking directions for your sized Turkey
  • * Gluten-free stuffing mix is not always available, but you can make your own. I cube slices of Gluten-free sandwich bread (this year I used Scharr multigrain bread), then toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme, rosemary, and sage. Brown on a cookie tray in a 375' oven for 15-20 minutes. These also make nice croutons!