Hello!  My name is Monique and I’d like to welcome you to My Savory Kitchen! I am so glad you stopped by!

 There is a certain joy for me that comes from feeding the family and friends that I love.  I created My Savory Kitchen so I can share this joy and my favorite recipes!  My love for cooking starts in my garden and ends at the table with a delicious meal, a good bottle of wine, and some great conversation.  Whether we are sharing a meal with family or hosting a gathering, the kitchen is the heart of our home as it is for many people.  Food has such unifying qualities and provides not only nourishment but comfort and warmth. 

I have vivid memories from my childhood of our daily Family meals which were the center of family life and highly influential on me.  It has been very important to me to carry that over to my own family. Sharing the family meal together, laughing, and catching up on each others days has helped shape our bonds and our family dynamic.

Many people have influenced my passion for cooking, but none more than my cute little French Grandmother, Raymonde! When I say little, I am not quite 5 foot tall and I towered over her!  Born and raised in a small town in the Provence region of France, she brought her old world approach to cooking and gardening here to the States and into my childhood kitchen.  I was blessed to grow up with her living with us.   She had this knack for pulling out pantry items and whatever veggies might be present in the house to create these delicious pureed soups that I call “Grandmas’ After School Soup.”  (Recipe coming during the chilly days of the Fall 2020).  She grew up very poor and as a young adult she cooked for a wealthy woman she referred to as “My Lady” in Toulon in the south of France.   My Grandmother is the inspiration behind my passion for cooking and for gardening as well.  She had a garden that I remember as a “mini-farm,” but you know how everything seems bigger when you’re a kid?  I have followed in her footsteps and enjoy growing my own vegetables even though our growing season up north is rather brief. 

Just as Grandma left her French roots imprinted on us, so did my Italian Grandmother, Angelina, whose family is from Palermo in Sicily.  She was a cutie too, and had her own style in the kitchen.  One of my favorite dishes of hers was “Granny’s Frying Pan Ziti!”   Hands down the best and easiest ziti anywhere!  Breaded and fried veal cutlets, spiedini, and brociole were a few of her other specialties.  My parents kept both our French and Italian heritage woven into the fabric of our family.  I am grateful for both cultural influences on my cooking and on my life!  My Mom and Dad are both great cooks as well, and have continued the tradition of creating great tasting meals for our family gatherings! 

France and Italy are known for great wines, so growing up in a French and Italian house hold meant wine was a part of every family dinner (JUST for the adults of course!).  I can remember my parents dragging me on a wine tour in Vermont when I was about 10 years old.  I thought it was going to be the worst experience of my life, but it turns out I was wrong.  The vineyard was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen with rolling hills and miles of vines.  I loved the wine barrels and the look of the wine cellar too.  As a minor, I did not partake in the tastings, but I fell in love with the vineyard and was intrigued by the wine making process.  This love and intrigue have only grown for me, leading me to include a small wine section on my website.  I am far from expert so I will be collaborating with others who are in the wine industry whether they are a Sommelier, a winery owner, or wine maker.  Living on the border of the Finger Lakes wine Region of New York State, offers some of the most beautiful scenery in the country and some very good wines!  I hope you enjoy these recipes and I encourage you to communicate with me through comments on recipes, or via email at info@mysavorykitchen.com.    I would love to hear your insights and ideas! 

The recipes you’ll find here are not necessarily for those in a rush.  Some are easy to prepare, but those that are more labor intensive are worth the effort!  Many are the foods I grew up with, while others are my own creations.  Our world moves at such a fast pace so here at Mysavorykitchen.com I encourage you to take a deep breath, slow down, and savor every bite while you enjoy the company of those you love!  

I feel so blessed to have this opportunity to follow my passion for feeding people, and I give ALL the Glory to God!